Jenny Wood Profile Photo

Jenny Wood is the founder of Google's Own Your Career program, which helps Google employees increase their impact and influence in their current role and/or land their next role. In just a few months, the program scaled from 153 users to 23,000 users across 180 global offices with 97% positive feedback. Jenny also leads a team of 25 Googlers as the Global Lead for Mobile Apps Customer Care. Jenny loves improv, tap dancing, hiking, and flying airplanes as a private pilot. She lives in Boulder, Colorado with her husband and two children.

Sept. 14, 2022

Spark : Jenny Wood : How do you know when it's time to FLIP roles at work?

“How do I know it’s time to switch roles in your career?” Jenny Wood of Google's Own Your Career program Has been asked 1000+ times. Her advice👇 Don’t switch roles . . . F L I P roles Ask your self honestly: F - Fun - Am I ha...
Guest: Jenny Wood