Adam Coelho Profile Photo

Host of The Mindful FIRE Podcast

Adam Coelho is the founder and host of The Mindfulness FIRE Podcast. He's also a father and husband and has been at Google for the last 10 years. He has been facilitating mindfulness and emotional intelligence courses at Google including the popular Search Inside Yourself ( course. Adam is a commitment to creating opportunity through connection. He does this by connecting with others and by bringing people together. I'm excited to have you join me in this exploration by joining my email list. No spam I promise.

Jan. 25, 2022

60: Envisioning Meditation with a Twist with Adam Coelho

Welcome to The Mindful FIRE Podcast where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond I'm your host, Adam Coelho and I'm so glad you're here. Thanks for joining me for today's guided meditatio...
Guest: Adam Coelho
Oct. 26, 2021

50 : My Story & Vision for The Mindful FIRE Podcast with Adam Coelho

"I want Mindful FIRE to create opportunity for people to live meaningful and fulfilled lives, aligned with their values and purpose, by connecting them with the ideas of mindfulness and financial independence. " - Adam Coelho...
Guest: Adam Coelho
July 27, 2021

38 : Start Again Meditation

In life it's easy to get pulled off course despite the best intentions. I find that meditation and the cultivation of mindfulness offers a moment by moment experience of this fact of life. Despite our best intentions to focus...
Guest: Adam Coelho
July 13, 2021

36 : Meditation : Practicing Compassion For Those Who Are Suffering

Welcome to The Mindful FIRE Podcast, where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond. I'm your host Adam Coelho and I'm so glad you're here. This guided meditation is a practice of offering ...
Guest: Adam Coelho
June 29, 2021

34: Meditation : Resting In The Simplicity of This Moment

Welcome to The Mindful FIRE Podcast, where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond. I'm your host Adam Coelho and I'm so glad you're here. This guided meditation practice is an invitation ...
Guest: Adam Coelho
June 15, 2021

32 : Meditation - Letting Go of What's Not Serving You

Welcome to The Mindful FIRE Podcast, where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond. I'm your host Adam Coelho and I'm so glad you're here. As we transition seasons from Spring to Summer, w...
Guest: Adam Coelho
May 18, 2021

29 : Meditation - Compassion for India (A Loving Kindness Practice)

Welcome to the Mindful FIRE Podcast, where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond. On today's guided meditation we practice sending compassion and loving kindness to the people of India w...
Guest: Adam Coelho
May 4, 2021

27 : Start Here Meditation - A guided introduction practice (15 mins)

Have you been thinking about giving meditation a try? Meaning to try it? Or have you tried it and meant to get back to it? To establish a regular practice? If so, this practice is for you. I recorded this practice, a guided i...
Guest: Adam Coelho
April 6, 2021

23 : Meditation : Pandemic Burnout

Welcome to the Mindful FIRE Podcast, where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond. Join me for this guided meditation, designed to support you if you’re feeling burned out by the pandemic...
Guest: Adam Coelho
March 23, 2021

21 : Meditation : Self Compassion (10 min)

Join me for this short 10 minute guided meditation on self compassion. We're usually so very hard on ourselves so I hope you'll take this short break to practice a little kindness towards yourself. More Inspiring Interviews M...
Guest: Adam Coelho
March 9, 2021

19 : Meditation : Meeting Yourself Where You Are Right Now With Self Compassion

This is a practice that invites you to stop and meet yourself in the only moment you have to live your life, right here, right now. In this moment. I hope you like it.
Guest: Adam Coelho
Feb. 23, 2021

Meditation - Practice Just Being

We spend so much time and energy DOING. This short meditation is a practice of JUST BEING.
Guest: Adam Coelho
Feb. 9, 2021

Meditation : Train Your Mind To Spot Opportunity & Take Action

Welcome to the Mindful FIRE Podcast, where we explore living mindfully on the path to financial independence and beyond. I’m your host Adam Coelho and I’m so glad you’re here. One way to speed up your journey to financial ind...
Guest: Adam Coelho
Jan. 26, 2021

Meditation : Guided Body Scan (15 Minutes)

Our body is constantly giving us rich information (raw data) about what’s going on inside us; what we’re feeling. If we pay attention, we can use that information to guide our thinking and actions more effectively. Unfortunat...
Guest: Adam Coelho