π Book your free 30 minute Vision Chat on my calendar (limited offer)
To say thank you for checking out this resource & leaving a testimonial
I’d like to offer you a complimentary 30 minute 1:1 Vision Chat (normally $149)
If you’d like to go further in clarifying your vision & making it a reality, I invite you to:
π Book your free 30 minute Vision Chat on my calendar
In the call we explore:
- The brain science behind envisioning & why it works
- The vision you just wrote about to get even more clarity
- The power of speaking your vision out loud
- Meditation & affirmation practices to make your vision a reality
π Book your free 30 minute Vision Chat on my calendar
If you’d like to go further to clarify your vision & make it a reality
I invite you to sign up for the wait list for my Life Envisioning Workshop.
π Sign up for the wait list
In this upcoming workshop we’ll explore:
- The brain science behind envisioning & why it works
- The vision you just wrote about to get even more clarity
- The power of speaking your vision out loud
- Meditation & affirmation practices to make your vision a reality
- Connect with other like-minded visionaries
π Sign up for the wait list & receive an exclusive discount when the Life Envisioning Workshop becomes available later this year.
Journaling Guide : 3 Questions To Envision The Life You Want (feel free to download as PDF)
Envisioning puts the power of your predicting brain to work to create the life you want.
In 10-15 minutes this simple 3 question journaling exercise will inspire you & plant seeds in your mind that can’t help but move you in the direction of the life you want.
I invite you to share you feedback with me & if you find it helpful I’d really appreciate you leaving a short text or video testimonial. Thank you!
Introduction to Journaling
Journaling is a simple, yet powerful practice of bringing mindful awareness to our thoughts by getting them out of our head and onto paper.
Journaling Helps You:
- Gain more clarity
- Getting your thoughts onto paper makes them more clear & easier to work with
- Develop self awareness
- Practicing journaling will help you to know yourself, what’s most important to you and what you want out of life
- Feel mentally lighter
- Journaling is especially helpful when feeling overwhelmed or when you have a lot of ideas, tasks or thoughts swirling around your head
- I’ve found that just getting thoughts out of my head and onto paper has an immediate effect of making my head less full
Basic Journaling Instructions
- Journaling is as simple sitting down with a pen & paper and writing whatever comes to mind
- Many people find it helpful to use questions or prompts
- As you write be open, curious & explore what’s true for you
- Remember that journaling is for you alone.
- You don’t have to show it to anyone & can even throw it out immediately if you want
3 Questions To Envision The Life You Want
Envisioning Journaling Instructions
- Sit down in a quiet place with a pen & paper
- I recommend writing by hand (vs on a computer)
- For each of the 3 questions, begin by writing the question
- Then start writing whatever comes to mind
- Practice stream of consciousness writing
- The key here is to keep the pen moving no matter what
- If you run out of ideas write “I have no ideas” until more come (they will)
- Spend about 5 minutes writing on each question (longer on question 2)
- When you’re done, read over what you wrote and underline or circle anything that you find interesting or meaningful
Mindset is critical for this exercise.
For this exercise, I invite you to embark with an mindset of
- curiosity
- exploration &
- unlimited possibility
Set aside all of your normal ideas of:
Take this opportunity to think REALLY BIG about what’s possible for your life without any limitations at all.
3 Questions to Envision The Life You Want
For each of the 3 questions, write the question & begin writing whatever comes to mind.
Keep the pen moving no matter what.
1. What am I doing when I feel most alive?
2. If everything in my life starting today meets or exceeds my most optimistic expectations what will my life look like in 5 years?
I recommend writing in the present tense as if you’re sitting at your desk 5 years from now describing what your amazing life looks like
Some things to consider:
- What are you doing?
- Where are you?
- How do you feel?
- Who are you with?
- What does a typical day look like?