Feb. 21, 2023

87 : Meditation : Let This Breath Be Enough with Adam Coelho

Today's meditation explores the question: What is enough?

This is one of the core questions that drove me to create this podcast.

So many of us in the financial independence retire early community are trying to grow our wealth so we can reach some arbitrary number, assuming that once we get there, we will achieve freedom and everything will change.

But the question is, what is enough?

So often, when people reach their desired number, they think they need more or just a little more time, what’s often called "one more year" syndrome.

Today we explore this question of what is enough in a meditation, where we practice allowing each breath to be enough, just as it is.

I hope you enjoy this meditation. 

🔥 Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you: 🔥

1. Complete my Free Envisioning Guide to get clear on what you truly want

2. Invest in a vision coaching call with me if you'd like to:

- gain even more clarity on your vision

- learn why envisioning works

- learn simple practices to move towards your vision

3. Connect with me LinkedIn where I post every weekday at 8:20 am ET about crafting a life you love & making work optional using mindfulness, envisioning & financial independence.


Welcome to the Mindful Fire Podcast, a show about crafting a life you love and making work optional using the tools of mindfulness, envisioning and financial independence. I'm your host, Adam Koyo, and I'm so glad you're here. Each episode of the Mindful Fire Podcast explores these three tools through teachings, guided meditations, and inspiring interviews with people actually living them to craft a life they love. At its core, mindful Fire is about creating more awareness and choice in. Mindfulness helps you develop self-awareness to know yourself better and what's most important to you by practicing a kind, curious awareness. Envisioning is all about choosing to think big about your life and putting the power of your predicting brain to work to create the life you dream of. And financial independence brings awareness and choice to your financial. Empowering you to make your vision a reality by getting your money sorted out and ultimately making work optional. And here's the best part, you don't have to wait until you reach financial independence to live out your vision. Mindful fires about using these tools to craft that life. Now on the path to financial independence and. If you're ready to start your Mindful Fire journey, go to mindful fire.org/start and download my free envisioning guide in just 10 minutes. This guide will help you craft a clear and inspiring vision for your life. Again, you can download it for free@mindfulfire.org slash start. Let's jump into today's guided meditation

Adam Coelho:

so ,let's begin. I invite you to find a position that allows you to be both alert and relaxed at the same time, sitting upright, but not rigid and resting your hands, wherever it's comfortable, channeling closing your eyes. That's. And let's begin with three deep breaths in and out, allowing ourselves to fully arrive here. And as we begin this practice, I invite you to check in with yourself, noticing what it feels like in your body right now, noticing any sensations. Areas that feel good areas that feel not so good and just meeting, whatever you find with kindness and curiosity, allowing whatever you find to be just as it is, and to be in enough. Right now in my body, it's like this. And now expanding your awareness to include the mind as well. Checking in with your mind. Notice. How it is right now with kindness and curiosity, noticing if it's busy or calm, tense, or relaxed, finding whatever you find be enough just as it is. Right. And whenever you're ready, finding your way now to the breath and continuing, cultivating this feeling of enough right here. And right now truly. Tuning into each in breath and each out breath and letting each one be enough. This in-breath has enough in this oppress. No need to strive to feel any particular way, but to simply arrest in this feeling of sufficiency meeting each in breath and each out breath just as it is and letting whatever you feel,be enough. And any time that you notice your mind has drifted away into the past or the future. Just notice with that same kind, curious attitude, meaning whatever's arisen. And then just choosing to come back to the breath and to arrest in the simplicity of just having to pay attention to this in breath. And this out-breath. Letting awareness of just one in breath, be enough. And just one hour prep be enough right now. There's nothing that you need to do or figure out just resting and the awareness of this and breath. And this out-breath moment by moment by moment. And breath by breath. Whenever your mind trumps forward into planning, strategizing, or thinking of any kind, just notice meeting it with kindness, and then just choosing to step back into this feeling of enough, this feeling. Right now it's enough to just feel this one, AMED breath letting go of even the last out-breath and then the next out-breath simply arresting. And observing this in-breath and this out-breath and letting that be enough for right now. And as we sit and breathe, let us extend this feeling of enough, this experience up enough to our whole body sitting and breathing and resting in the Alliance. Of ourselves to be fully and completely enough just as we are right now, as we sit and breathe in and then breathe out, letting go of all that has come before. And all that is yet to come then that we hope to achieve in our lives. And recognizing that right here. Right now, you are enough perhaps saying silently in your mind right now I am enough trust as I am. I am enough. Just resting in this awareness of being enough, just as you are right now. Resting in that feeling for a few minutes. And in these last few moments of our practice together today, I invite you to bring to mind some thing about yourself that you are extremely grateful for perhaps a. Personality trade or a skill that you've developed, or the way that you show up for your friends and family, whatever comes to mind, just resting in a feeling of gratitude for this aspect of yourself and the way you show up in your life. And again, of course, allowing whatever arises and however you feel it to be enough for even just right now. And now let us finish this practice with three deep breaths. Yeah, the opening your eyes stretching in any way. It feels good. Thank you very much for your attention. Thanks for joining me for today's guided meditation. If you enjoyed today's episode, I invite you to hit subscribe wherever you're listening to this. This just lets the platforms know you're getting value from the episodes and you want to be here when I release additional content. If you're ready to start your Mindful Fire journey, go to mindful fire.org/start and download my free envisioning guide in just 10 minutes. This guide will help you craft a clear and inspiring vision for your life. Again, you can download it for free@mindfulfire.org slash start. Thanks again, and I'll catch you next time on the. Fire podcast.