157 : BIG News - I Just "Retired" Early From Google at 36 Years Old
In this episode: Early retirement announcement, Financial Independence journey, Mindfulness and meditation, Building a post-retirement vision, next phase
Record a voicemail question for the show: https://www.mindfulfire.org/voicemail/
Episode Summary
In this episode, Adam Coelho shares his journey to early retirement, discussing the steps he took to achieve Financial Independence and how mindfulness played a crucial role in his transformation. He emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for the future and reveals his plans for coaching and workshops aimed at helping others navigate their paths to financial freedom.
Guest Bio
Adam Coelho is a mindfulness and Financial Independence advocate who recently made the leap to early retirement. He is the host of the Mindful Fire podcast and has a passion for helping others envision their ideal lives through coaching and workshops.
Resources & Books Mentioned
- ChooseFI podcast
- "The Simple Path to Wealth" by JL Collins
- Producer Chris's blog, "Epic Financial Journey": https://www.epicfinancialjourney.com/
Mindful FIRE Resources & Links
- Free Envisioning Exercise: https://www.mindfulfire.org/start
- FIRE Starter Group Coaching Program: https://www.mindfulfire.org/chat
- Ask What’s Possible Workshop: https://www.mindfulfire.org/chat
- Leave a voicemail for Adam: https://www.mindfulfire.org/voicemail/
Key Takeaways
- Adam shares his journey of achieving early retirement after years of saving and investing.
- The significance of having "FU money" vs. a clear vision for life after retirement.
- Mindfulness and meditation have been instrumental in Adam's personal and professional growth.
- The value of conducting mini-experiments to explore new career paths and opportunities.
- Adam introduces his coaching program designed to support individuals nearing Financial Independence.
- Emphasis on the importance of community and connection in navigating the journey to financia
PS: Introducing the…
🔥 FIRE Starter Group Coaching Program
Connect with your big vision for the next chapter of your life and start living it in 10 weeks or less using envisioning and the power of your mind.
Interested? Let's chat.
🔥 WHO I'm creating this for:
I'm creating this for YOU if you are feeling stuck & frustrated after saving and investing for years to create "financial freedom" only to find yourself:
- Unclear or unsure about what you want
- Overwhelmed by all the options created by financial freedom
- Not sure how to move forward to start living the next chapter of your life
🔥 WHAT we’ll do together over 10 weeks:
In this small group coaching program, you will:
- Finally answer “What do I actually want?”
- Come up with a BIG vision for your next chapter of life
- Learn what envisioning is and the brain science that makes it work
- Be challenged and inspired by thoughtful participants creating their own BIG vision
- Learn how to use your mind to start living your new vision right away.
🔥 My promise to you:
At the end of 8 weeks, you will be able to point to specific and tangible ways that yo...
00:00 - Adam Retirement Episode - EDIT (Audio w/ intro/outro))
01:39 - Big Announcement: Early Retirement
03:25 - Adam's Financial Journey
06:26 - Discovering Meditation and Mindfulness
09:16 - Path to Financial Independence
11:39 - Starting the Mindful Fire Podcast
16:41 - Envisioning and Experimenting
22:16 - Setting Big Goals
22:36 - Networking and Opportunities
23:18 - Achieving the Vision
24:52 - Financial Independence Mindset
25:22 - Lessons from Financial Independence
30:14 - Future Plans and Business Vision
35:58 - Podcast and Community Engagement
[00:00:00] Big Announcement: Early Retirement
Chris Young: Adam, welcome to the mindful fire podcast. So great to have
Adam Coelho: you here today. Oh, it's great to be here and I'm really excited to make this big announcement. Uh, It's been a long time coming and I'm thrilled to be sharing with the audience some news today.
Chris Young: As listeners have probably already guessed by now, I'm not Adam, and this is not a normal episode. My name is Chris, and I'm the current editor and producer of the Mindful Fire podcast, and I'm here today to talk with Adam about a very big announcement. So Adam, without further ado, go ahead, take it away.
Adam Coelho: All right. Well, So the big news is that after years of saving and investing and learning about the fire movement and financial independence, I am happy to announce that I am officially. Retired early, and I'm putting retired in quotes because I'm not just going to be sitting around but I left my corporate job about two and a half months ago and have just been getting into this kind of new chapter of my life of early retirement. Awesome, man. That's such great news. That's huge. Congratulations. Thank you. I'm pretty pumped about it. It's been a long time coming and yeah it's, exciting to be on the other side of it. And very fortunate to have a pretty clear vision that I've been building over the years with this podcast as the mechanism for figuring out what my vision is and what I want to be doing in this next chapter of my life.
But even with that, it's been an adjustment, Trying to establish new routines, things like that, that we'll probably get into more, but it's great to be on the other side of it.
Chris Young: Well, I know we're going to talk about details today.
[00:01:47] Adam's Financial Journey
Chris Young: But maybe we can take a step back Uh, Let's kind of talk about your backstory and, how you got here, talk about your financial journey. I think most of your listeners probably know your backstory, but to be honest, I don't really know it. You and I met at the economy conference earlier this year. There were probably 400, 500 people there.
There's so many people, I didn't get the chance, to talk to everyone in detail. So I want to know more about your journey. So maybe as a refresher for the audience, something new for me, can you go ahead and walk us through your story?
Adam Coelho: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, It's a good question, and there are a lot of people who, been in the audience of the Mindful Fire podcast for the last four years from when I started this, but there's also a lot of people who are just joining, so it is a good, a good idea to kind of go back and share my story.
Let's see, I won't start at my birth, but I will start at kind of an inflection point for me. So my big vision, has always been to be an entrepreneur, Back in, when I was in college in like the late 2000s, I had this interest in entrepreneurship. I always had these little side hustles, little websites that I was building, things like that.
my vision was always to be, like a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, go out and build the next Facebook, things like that. I had my own startup. During college, it was called CitySync, and it was really a place to find things to do with your friends and make plans more easily.
And while that was a lot of fun and gave me some good experience, it did not make very much money. Almost no money, actually. And An opportunity came along when my friend Jocelyn, shout out to Jocelyn, sent me a Facebook message and said, Hey, I interned at Google a couple times my team's hiring and I thought you might be interested.
And so I looked at these two jobs. I was like, Hey, that's one of the two companies I'd consider working for Google or Apple. And so let me give it a shot. I worked on my resume. I sent it to her. She gave me some feedback and I submitted it. A month later, I was interviewing with Google had flown out to San Francisco, had meetings there, had the opportunity to take a job at Google.
And so I moved out, shut down my company, moved out to San Francisco was living in Mountain View where Google's headquartered and basically just dove in. I didn't know anyone there. Just my buddy David Maltz, who got me into financial independence he and I started on the same team on the same day.
Because neither of us knew anyone else we're like hanging out all the time and we were having a great time You know having been that post college having a little money in your pocket type of feeling just going out having beers meeting people having fun and I basically that was in 2010 and that career continued to grow.
I had lot of ups and downs, right? Like working like anywhere else, working at Google has its ups and downs and it goes through cycles and get reorg'd a million times, have different things go on.
[00:04:47] Discovering Meditation and Mindfulness
Adam Coelho: And I was very fortunate to make a friend that got me interested in meditation. And I gave it a shot and was immediately just appalled at my ability to meditate and the fact that I was completely terrible at it.
And like many people do. I thought I was doing it wrong and I gave up and then I luckily ran into him again a few years later and he doubled down on the sales pitch and really told me, Hey, what your experience is completely normal. And your mind creates thoughts, so just give it another shot.
And around that time I went to a retreat that was really a Groupon I bought for my wife for Valentine's Day, but I was able to learn more about the process of meditation and kind of get into the practice and get over those humps of Thinking I was doing it wrong and all of that to actually establish it as a practice in my life.
And I share that because before that I had a story in my head. as many people know I'm a big fan of this idea that our stories create our reality, which at the time I did not.
working out, all that stuff. And meditation was the first thing I actually stuck to. And that's because I enjoyed that time, that 10 minutes that I was taking for myself. And from there, my self awareness grew. really grew. I became aware of the voice inside my head, which had always been there. And that, that inner critic voice, that's always kind of, oh, you're doing it wrong.
You're not good enough. You're never going to get it, whatever. And that was kind of running my life. And I was totally unaware of it until I turned down the volume on everything else and sat in meditation and started to notice that and started to ask, is this useful?
And I started that lesson, the power that that had over me as my career progressed, This kind of happened after a very tumultuous time where I literally almost lost my job at Google, but I chose a new story and ultimately made it through that period of time.
and had this opportunity to work for someone who was very supportive and gave me the opportunity to become a facilitator for this course called Search Inside Yourself. It was emotional intelligence and leadership through mindfulness. And so as I started to get into this more and more, started to teach this course, ultimately had the chance to teach it to over 3, 500 Googlers around the world.
and then Ultimately created my own courses around envisioning and thinking really big about what you want your life to be That grew into a bigger and bigger interest of mine around the same time getting back into this idea of financial journey.
[00:07:38] Path to Financial Independence
Adam Coelho: Around that same time, I realized, man, I have been working for, four or five years by now, and luckily I'm not spending all my money. I'm smart enough to do the 401k, but beyond that, I really, what should I invest in? I have no idea, Like, it would seem risky, seem complicated, I just didn't know what to do.
And so that money, a lot of that money was just sitting there, luckily, as I mentioned, my friend, David Maltz, shout out to David Maltz. He came to me and he said, Hey, I want to do a side hustle, but I don't want to do anything with ads because that's what we did for a living, He wanted nothing to do with that.
And so I said, Hey, why don't you go learn about investing, That would be a huge, huge help. asset for you. And so he did, he went, he learned everything about the financial independence movement, which I had never even heard of. And he came back, he was like, dude, this is crazy. You can retire early if you get your money right.
And I was like, ah, I don't know. That sounds crazy. Like, what are you talking about? He's like, dude, you got to listen to Choose Fi. It's his podcast, he's two guys, they're talking about it, it's awesome. And I'm like, alright, I'll give it a shot. He's like, you gotta read The Simple Path to Wealth, I was like, okay, I'll read that too.
really, I followed his lead. He taught me everything I know about financial independence, and I started to take action slowly, but surely, right? I was like two years in, and I still hadn't done everything on the list he made for me, but the fact that I got on the path and I started doing it, So I started doing the post tax 401k. I started investing index funds inside of tax advantage accounts, outside of tax advantage accounts. I started doing the, mega backdoor, all these things. And couple of years later I was like, holy cow. I mean, It was an amazing bull market, but I was like, this is awesome.
I can't believe how well this is working. And I just kept going, kept doubling down, kept doing that, started side hustling. Right. I had a few side hustles kind of related to my old job where I was, consulting with publishers, helping them make more money with their ads on their website and all of that money.
I was just funneling into index funds and there's nothing fancy about it. Just a simple path to wealth over time. just letting it work. And then a few years into that process, my facilitation side hustle on the job was coming up. And then my interest in financial independence, I got obsessed in it like many people do.
[00:10:00] Starting the Mindful Fire Podcast
Adam Coelho: And ultimately I had the idea to, I wanted to do a podcast, right? I thought, Oh, is it a blog? Is it a podcast? It was, kind of procrastinating quite a bit. But I knew there was an intersection between mindfulness and financial independence, and that intersection is awareness and choice. In both cases, the more awareness that you have, the better off you are, mindfulness, it's just simply a kind, curious awareness of what's going on. What's going on in my body? What's going on in my mind? What story am I telling myself? And then, awareness in our money, Where's my money going? How much does my life cost? How much money do I need to retire? am I spending money that I am not valuing it?
Can I pull back on that and invest elsewhere? And choice, By having the awareness, I can then make a choice. Do I want to do this? Do I want to do something different? I procrastinated for about a year, and then a friend of mine, Rashan, who is a great friend of mine who always helps me cut through the nonsense in my head to get the answer right.
I was like, I don't know. Should it be a podcast or a blog? He's like, which one do you wanna do more? I was like, podcast. He's like, all right, invite your first guest.
I did. And kind of the rest is history, And throughout this process, right? The podcast has been the vehicle for me to figure out what do I want to do after I retire from Google?
I always. knew that meditation and mindfulness and things like that were a part of it. And I thought, oh, maybe I want to be a meditation teacher, right? So if you listen to the first two episodes of this podcast, I interview meditation teachers and ask them, what is it like? Do you make any money?
What do you do? How do you get clients, things like that. And I very quickly realized, no, it's not just that, That's a component of it. And as I've done this for four years now, I've really come to have the clarity of what it is that I want to do. that gets me to today where it's like I have now made the leap.
I'm on the other side of working and I'm. starting to build that life. I should say I'm continuing to build that life, right? Because I had been building it all along the way, both inside at Google with my facilitation work and also outside of Google where I had the podcast guesting on other people's podcasts and I was starting to do some coaching and have done a few inside of Google and I also did a workshop outside of Google, All things that are going to be components of my post. post working life, but I was testing them out along the way. As I teach in my coaching program it's like a mini experiment, Like what's the lowest bar I can set to see if I like this, Because there are a lot of things that I tried, like interviewing meditation teachers that I quickly realized like, no, that's not quite it.
Let me try something else.
Chris Young: you're big into the idea of mini experiments, and I have heard also, I think, Alan and Katie Donegan talking about that as well, kind of If that works, cool. You found something new that you like, maybe a new passion, a new hobby. A new career even, but if it doesn't work out, at least you tried it. I think a lot of us in our head, we want to, in this community, especially we want to optimize, we want to get everything done perfectly before we take the leap.
And I see so much inaction out there. Just analysis paralysis. So that's cool that you, you're a good example of doing these mini experiments creating this life You want while you had your current career before making that big leap?
Adam Coelho: Yeah, I think it's essential I really do and I agree I've talked to so many people in you know Kind of exploratory calls about coaching at economy on the podcast, you know like people get the money because it's a simple path, Like, whatever path you take, whether it be real estate, or investing, or entrepreneurship, right? Like, the math is relatively simple, and you can get to financial independence in a period of time, But when you get there, the harder part is what am I gonna do now, And I think that's where so many people get stuck. and when we met at economy, there were also a couple of sessions about exactly this, right? The one more year syndrome and also just like, okay, I'm financially independent.
Now what? And so many people just get stuck, whether it be working or maybe they have left their job or they've lost their job. And they just are in this period of time where they're just like not that happy and not taking advantage of all of the hard work that they've done, That's the crazy thing to me.
People have saved and invested and done the hard stuff for years to get to this point. And then they get there and it's just like, now what? And so the answer to that, in my opinion, is start building it now. And it starts with getting clear on what you actually want,
[00:15:02] Envisioning and Experimenting
Adam Coelho: And that's why I'm always talking about envisioning and thinking big about what you actually want and why I have my free envisioning exercise which is really just the core of the coaching and workshops and all the things that I do.
I give the exercise away for free at mindfulfire. org start and anyone can grab that and anyone can sit down and challenge themselves to think really big about what they want then once you get clear on what you want you can just start planting seeds in your mind. Using envisioning practices, you can start talking about it.
You can start doing many experiments that allow you to take one step and then another to make your vision a reality. And that is exactly what I did.
Chris Young: Yeah, no, that's great to hear. Like you're saying to the financial aspect of it. It's just, it's so simple. It's so mechanical. It sounds like in your case, you went with the index fund route.
I know a lot of people in the community, they use real estate other methods like that. It's really, once you dial it in, it's so simple. It's just the whole mindset part of it, the whole psychological, what do I do next? What do I want my life to look like? And I think that's where you come into this podcast and.
You're a good example of kind of showing us what that could look like.
Adam Coelho: I've had to experiment with things and see, do I like this? Do I not like it? And, my big vision ultimately now, which I guess I should share with people is, my big vision is to pursue entrepreneurship and build a business, I'm financially independent, but I do enjoy making money and I, do wanna continue making money for my family, for the future. And also, to be able to do. More non profit stuff in the future to bring these concepts to people who may not have the, money to hire me as a coach, but things like that, So my big vision is to build a business in my own time, in my own way, without needing to worry about putting food on the table. I've got those bases covered. I can now build this business without that scarcity, that feeling like, ah, this has to happen. And the funny thing about it is like, that's where I'm at.
I'm in that mode now, and yet my brain still wants to tell me it has to happen now you gotta go And people see this, if they're on the email list or even see my LinkedIn posts, I'm always like, setting deadlines for myself, like, Oh, next week, I'm going to share this thing.
And it's like, I don't even need to do that. But that's my brain being like, got to happen now got to strike while the iron's hot. And it's like, no, I don't need to do that. And ultimately, One thing I challenge people to think about is like what feeling do you want to have in early retirement, right?
What is the feeling? And for me, that feeling is unrushed, I hate being rushed. I am not very kind to the people around me when I'm feeling rushed and just overall I hate it, right? So I want to be unrushed. So why am I rushing myself, that's just one example of things that even though I'm aware of it, even though I'm in this position.
I'm still working on that, So I think that those are the things that people will need to deal with and they might as well start trying to deal with them now.
Chris Young: Yeah. I think just our culture, both of us have been working so long in that culture, just corporate culture where it's just go, go, go.
We have all these goals and deadlines set up for us. It's usually not of our own making, usually by our managers, by our teammates, by whoever is just, keep pumping out this work, keep going. So I think once you get to the point where you're at too, where you have the freedom now to make those choices and kind of slow down, think about what you want life to look like.
That takes practice too.
Adam Coelho: it takes time. And so that's why, I, I would recommend anyone that's whatever, wherever you are on the path to fi, Like go and grab that, right?
envisioning exercise, mindfulfire. org slash start and start, Sit down, really, I always say take all those limitations, ideas of what's reasonable, rational possible, All the constraints, put them in a little box and set the box to the side and think really big about what you really want, right?
And there's a question in there that helps you ask that of yourself and like, here's the thing, you don't have to do any of this, If none of this resonates with you, throw it away, But what I found is that it opens our mind to new possibilities and new ideas that we can start to entertain.
And because of how our brain works, our brain, the predictive nature of our brain, we start to think about it, right? It's like we're planting and watering seeds in our mind and we start to see evidence of those things in our environment. And by just entertaining these new possibilities and thinking, wow, that would be really cool.
for example, a few years ago, I challenged myself to think really big, I was working with my first coaching client as a side hustle and I was challenging him to think big. So I challenged myself to think even bigger, So my vision is to build this business of leading workshops for teams and companies, connecting them with themselves and their biggest vision for their life, And so I was like, all right what would be a really big move towards that vision. I said, all right, I want to lead it for this guy, Sean. He's the president of the Americas at Google for our large customers. And I was like, nah, that's too easy.
I know him. I'm friends with this assistant. I could do that.
[00:20:37] Setting Big Goals
Adam Coelho: What's even bigger? I was like, okay, I want to lead a session for Sundar Pichai, who is the CEO of Google. I'm like, alright, now we're talking. That is big. How the hell am I going to do that? I didn't need to figure that out in that moment, But as I had that idea in my head, I started to take action.
[00:20:57] Networking and Opportunities
Adam Coelho: Little things like, I ran into my friend Ashley, who's a administrative business assistant at Google, I hadn't seen her in years, I just happened to run into her and she happened to be my assistant.
at an off site. And so big thing that I want to do is I want to lead workshops at off sites. And so I was able to ask her these questions and get clear on like, okay, like, how do you guys make these decisions? How do you hire people? How do you, are they all internal or they're external, whatever.
And from that conversation, I booked a gig to do a workshop for her team. And then she introduced me to someone else who does things for the C level of Google, And none of those directly resulted in a workshop for the CEO.
[00:21:39] Achieving the Vision
Adam Coelho: But a few months later, I was up at 1130 PM, which I'm very rarely working at 1130 PM.
And I was up finishing all my work for Q3 last year. And I got an email and the email said, I'm looking for someone to lead a mindful leadership workshop for a group of executives. And I was like, perfect. That's aligned with my vision. So I hit reply and I immediately responded like within seconds. We spoke the next day, shared the idea of what this could be.
she says, great, the job's yours. It's going to be at Sundar Pichai's leadership summit and it's going to be about, 750 VPs and SVPs there and probably maybe like a hundred of them will come to your session. she's like, how does that sound? I'm like, sounds like exactly what I wanted, so like that was an opportunity for me to just by entertaining this idea, planting the seed, and then later on when it presented itself to me, I was able to take action and move on it. And then ultimately I did. I led that workshop. It went really well. I did it for like 27 VPs.
I had 10 of them want me to lead sessions for their team. And now I have that, to tout to potential future workshop customers. And that all started with one exercise, the exercise that you can get mindfulfire. org slash start. So that was a long way of giving example of that, but I've had this happen again and again.
And even the idea of. Pursuing financial independence,
[00:23:13] Financial Independence Mindset
Adam Coelho: If you have this idea in your mind that you want to pursue financial independence, or that you want to retire early, that becomes a filter for everything, And so if you're, looking at, you want to go to a concert, right? And you're like I could sit in the front row for 1, 000 a ticket, or I could sit 20 rows back for
200 a ticket, you can make that decision, and you still get to enjoy the concert, but you now have a reason why you're making your decisions rather than just going through life willy nilly.
[00:23:43] Lessons from Financial Independence
Chris Young: Okay, so Adam, getting back to financial independence and your retirement, were there any lessons or anything that stood out to you that you could share?
Adam Coelho: yeah. One of the lessons that has really come up and come into focus for me recently is that while F you money, right?
This idea that we can have. Money in the bank, so we don't need to put up with any nonsense from people. We can quit a bad job, we can, be bold in our careers because we have F you money, what has come into focus for me is that F you money is absolutely important, but it's not F you.
enough on its own. It's not just having FU money that enables you to move into this next chapter and to live your life in a kind of a on the front foot, so to speak, and on offense, What you also need is clear, big vision for your life, And it's not surprising coming from the guy that's always talking about envisioning that having a big vision for your life is important.
But I recently learned this in a big way, we're not going to go into all of it now, but, the last year or so of my career at Google was very challenging, The company had changed a lot I was dealing with some personalities that I didn't jive with, And what I had was a few money, I was approaching financial independence. I, had that money in the bank. I felt great about it, But what I realized is it was level one. Level two was having that clear big vision for my life, Because if I, if I just had the FU money, I would have just said, Hey, all right, I'm out.
I'm done with this. I'm out. I'm not going to put up with this. And that's great, right? If you're in a toxic situation, if you're in a situation that's having an impact on your how you're going to get out of that. But I also had this clear vision, I had this clear vision of wanting to build these workshops, right?
I had been building, leading these workshops internally for teams, for individuals, so on and so forth. And I had this vision of, I want to do this for executive summits. So Google brings these customers, they bring the C level of customers to Google, and then they kind of show them all the cool things that Google's doing in AI, all sorts of stuff.
And I, Always thought my workshop, what I call it now, the Ask What's Possible workshop, which basically gets clients to think really big about their big vision and their partnership with Google. I wanted to lead that for those executive summits. by having that clear vision, I knew that, yeah, this is a challenging situation, but I have unfinished business, I'm not just going to quit and run away. I'm going to be bold and I'm going to use this time to make this happen. And ultimately I went and I pitched this guy, Sean who's the president of, of our large customer sales. He oversees all of that. And I pitched him on this idea. he agreed, we ultimately got a pilot for it, and soI was able to realize that vision, I think about it as planting seeds, So now that I'm on the outside, and we can get into what I'm going to be doing next, but I, Was able to plant those seeds, nurture those relationships, that will set me up for success outside of Google as well.
if it wasn't for the FU money, I would've been very scared, I would've been in a very precarious situation where if I were to lose my job, I then. can't pay the bills, or pay my mortgage, or put food on the table. So I had that covered, but having the big vision allowed me to realize, no, I'm not just going to run away, I'm going to pursue this, And the same thing could be said for anyone, Like, if you were to leave a toxic work situation, that would be enough, but then You know, two months later, you'd be like, Oh now what? Right now, I need to find another job. What do I actually want? So it's back to the same problem.
And so I think that it's the two things together that really make all the difference.
Chris Young: That's awesome. I like that phrased unfinished business. So you have your vision, you're not done with it. You're just getting started. It seems like, so it's going to be cool to see where you go in the future.
Adam Coelho: Yeah, exactly. And like anyone that's in a corporate environment, especially if you want to do any sort of business with them in the future, Like I absolutely want to be working with Google as a client in the future. That's way harder to do when you're on the outside. Believe me, I have now learned that.
It's a lot easier when you're on the inside. So how can you build those relationships, plant those seeds, get those things going before you leave, and then take advantage of those after you leave?
[00:28:35] Future Plans and Business Vision
Chris Young: We've heard your backstory.
What does the future hold for you? What are you up to now? Perhaps in the near term, the next couple months, couple weeks? What are your plans for the longer term? Can you walk us through what your ideas are?
Adam Coelho: Absolutely.
And as I said, a lot of this has come, all of this has come from these mini experiments on the podcast, And so looking forward as I said, my vision is to be an entrepreneur, to build my business in my own time, in my own way and do it, in an fashion.
Where I can build things up but I don't have to stress about it. I want to have that peace of mind. I want to feel unrushed. And so what is that business going to look like? There's really going to be two main offerings, First There's going to be the fire starter group coaching program, which I did a mini experiment with.
I did my first round of that. middle of last year, where I had four people come through, and this is really tailored for people who are at or nearing financial independence. They're far along the path and they're thinking, what is this next chapter look like? And that next chapter might be early retirement, in many cases, or it might be what is this next chapter of my career look like, right?
Because we know a lot of people don't want to retire. You know, I always put retire in quotes because I'm certainly not just gonna be like sitting on the beach sipping margaritas, It's going to be kind of an encore career, for anyone who is starting to think about what's next,
This is designed for you. And it really comes down to three phases. What is envisioning and why does it work? Understanding the neuroscience that makes envisioning work. Getting clear on what you actually want. Thinking really big about what you want. Again, the exercise is available for free.
Anyone can do it. But in this group program, we're going to have six people all doing this work together. All challenging each other to think big, all pushing themselves, and then being examples to others about what they actually want, And what's actually possible for them when you take away all those constraints.
And that was the magic of the group, It was holding space for each other, I hear, you're saying this, but I'm hearing this. That type of thing from me, but also from the group. And then the third phase is all about planting seeds, How do you start moving towards that vision and start living it now?
And that's the promise of the program. At the end of the 10 week program, you will have clear and tangible progress towards the vision that you want. that's really exciting. I loved doing it. Every session I left, I was super energized, and so I can't wait to do it again.
If this sounds like something that would be a good fit for you, I'd love to chat. You can sign up for a free chat with me at mindfulfire. org slash chat, and we can explore if this would be a good fit for you. And of course, If you're maybe not there yet, or you want to try this first, I would definitely recommend going to mindfulfire.
org slash start. where you can get that free envisioning exercise, which is the core of this whole program, It's just you get a lot more when you come into the group program. So that's the Firestarter group coaching program. The second offering is going to be Corporate Workshops. And that's my Ask What's Possible workshop, where I'm going to help teams and companies create space to think really big about what's possible for them and their business or their partnership with a company. We're going to get connection, creativity, curiosity, and conversation flowing from the very start of the event.
And I see this as a perfect complement to any off site, So most off sites are boring, Most off sites are everyone's on their phone or laptop and they say, okay, close your laptops. We're going to start. and then they proceed to talk at you for the next eight hours, halfway through the day. Everyone's looking at their phone and asking when the hell is happy hour, That has been my experience at pretty much every off site and the problem is People do not get anything out of these off sites for them, it's fire hose of information, most of which they're not going to remember.
So this Ask What's Possible workshop is something that you can start with that allows each person to start the day by tapping into their big vision for their life. just like we do in the Firestarter program, we're going to give them space to think, what do I actually want? If everything goes better than expected, what do I actually want?
Now we'll get the energy up and the juices flowing, then we shift to okay what's your big vision for this team? Or the company? Or the org that you're in? I'll work with the teams to discuss, what is the scope of that? Take that energy And that big thinking apply it to the team.
And then there'll be space to hear from each other, Ultimately we'll converge on a big vision, that will start in the room and obviously continue afterwards. what is our big shared vision as a team. And then finally, the day finishes with coming back to the individual.
Each individual will then journal about everything. Okay, that's the big vision for the team. How do I want to contribute to that? And then how does that help me get what I want? Creating that alignment. That's the workshop. And so, those are the two things that I'll be building my business around.
If you're interested in that type of workshop you can also go to mindfulfire. org slash chat, and we can talk about your event and I'd love to talk with you.
[00:34:19] Podcast and Community Engagement
Adam Coelho: So those are the two offerings, and to promote those offerings and to market those, I'll be building up this podcast, bringing on some awesome guests coming up.
I have Doc G., Jordan Grumet, will be on here talking about his new book, The Purpose Code. We'll have J. L. Collins, the author of Simple Path to Wealth. We have a bunch of amazing guests coming up, and I'm super thrilled about that. And I appreciate your help, Chris, with all of the production of the podcast to help me with that.
So we got a lot of cool stuff coming up. and then also I'll be going on as a guest on other podcasts, sharing the story, sharing this approach, this mindful fire approach to life, mindfulness, financial independence, resilience, and envisioning. We'll be talking a lot about that on this podcast, but on other podcasts as well.
And then finally on LinkedIn, kind of just using that as a channel to connect with people, to try to find people that are interested in the workshop and the group coaching program as well. So that's the next phase over the next few months.
Chris Young: big year 2025.
So everyone, stay tuned. Keep your eye on Mindful Fire podcast Very exciting.
Adam Coelho: I'm pretty pumped about it. and speaking of the Mindful Fire podcast, there's some things that I've been thinking about bringing to the podcast that will make it feel a little bit more dynamic and more recent.
Right? So you're hearing this episode today, which is kind of a contemporaneous in real time episode. We're going to be doing a few more of those and we're going to be bringing on some other co hosts to interview me about my transition from working to early retirement.
And we're also going to be taking voicemails and answering questions from the audience. And so we would love to take your questions and them on the show. And so you can do that at mindfulfire. org slash voicemail or mindfulfire. org slash VM for voicemail. We'll put links in the show notes, but we'd love if you could record a voicemail question about anything related to mindfulness, financial independence, my journey, my retirement, anything you want, we'll be featuring a few of those on each episode so that you can get your questions answered.
it will not just be me, it will be our guests as well, we'll be able to answer some of those questions. So keep those coming in and we'll feature them when we can.
So a lot of exciting things coming up.
I'm excited to have the mental energy to give 100 percent to this business and to this podcast.
It's always been a side hustle and, at times I've gotten burnt out and taken breaks and your help has been humongous, Chris. So thank you so much. And yeah, I'm excited about what's coming.
Chris Young: Yeah, me too. Should be great.
Adam Coelho: yeah, thank you for being here and thank you for interviewing me, Chris. And I know you have a blog that you'd like to plug as well.
So if you want to check out Chris's journey and his, his writing, where can they find that Chris?
Chris Young: Yeah, thanks Adam. So I have a newish blog out there with a friend called epic financial journey And we talk about personal finance Financial independence my friend and I are on different phases of our financial journey.
So we're just hoping that others come along maybe learn from some of our lessons, some of our knowledge and just join the community there. So I'll throw a link in the show note, epic financial journey.
Adam Coelho: Wonderful. That sounds great. I hope everyone checked that out as well. If this is your first time hearing the Mindful Fire podcast., hit subscribe and jump on the email list and get that free envisioning exercise at mindfulfire. org slash start When you get on the email list, you can always hit reply, but you can also, submit your questions and your feedback at mindfulfire. org slash voicemail. Want to hear your thoughts about this episode. Want to hear your thoughts about. The future direction of the podcast with kind of taking voicemails and bringing in other guests to interview me about my transition from working to early retirement.
Yeah. Just want to get this going in a two way conversation, so definitely feel free to reach out. All right. We'll catch you next time on the Mindful Fire podcast.