Sept. 24, 2024

146 : Meditation : Creating Space For Possibility with Adam Coelho

This guided meditation is all about creating space for possibility in the face of challenging situations in your life.

While we all have challenging situations in life, I created this meditation for my 12,000 Google colleagues who were laid off last year and the thousands of other people affected by layoffs in the tech sector since then.

I am grateful to still have my job but so many of my friends do not. These layoffs are a wake up call to all of us - a reminder of why it's so important to be intentional about your life and to build financial resilience to overcome challenging times. 

Overview of the practice

  • We begin by finding a comfortable and alert position, then taking three deep breaths to notice the breath sensation in our body. 
  • We are practicing mindfulness and observing our thoughts in a kind and curious way.
  • Then we zoom out on our life a bit and bring to mind a challenging situation we are dealing with - a layoff, a divorce, death of a family member or pet.
  • We observe this situation with mindfulness, which is simply a kind, curious awareness 
  • Then we shift to exploring what possibility might exist, however small, in this challenging situation.

I sincerely hope this meditation is useful to you as you process the challenges you face and shift into embracing the possibilities life is presenting to you.

Wishing you all the best on your journey. 

Text Adam w/ comments or questions

Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

2. My next 8-week small group coaching program starts in September and space is limited.

The first group SOLD OUT

If you're at or nearing FI and finally ready to start living the next chapter of your life let's chat!

At the end of my 8 Week FIRE Starter small group program you will:

  • Have a clear BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
  • Specific and tangible ways you’ve started living that vision

If you're ready to get clear on your BIG vision for your next chapter

Book a no-pressure curiosity call​ with me....


00:00 - Intro

01:57 - Guided Meditation

04:35 - Mind wandering

08:01 - Get in the chopper - challenge

11:16 - Creating space for possibility

13:42 - Best thing that ever happened to you

17:00 - Closing - 3 Breaths together

17:50 - Encouragement

18:20 - Outro