June 25, 2024

133 : Mindfulness, Murals and Financial Independence with Morgan Bricca

In this episode: Mindfulness, Financial Independence, Painting Murals, Aligning Money with Values, Living in Integrity with Finances

Episode Summary
In this episode, Adam interviews Morgan Bricca, a professional mural artist, about her journey to financial independence and how she aligns her money with her values. Morgan shares her story of saving and investing early in life, and how her passion for painting murals led to a successful career. She emphasizes the importance of living in integrity with your finances and finding joy in the present while working towards financial independence.

Guest Morgan Bricca
• Website: morganmurals.com

Guest Bio
Morgan Bricca is a renowned mural artist who has created beautiful murals, including the one at the Google Community Space in San Francisco. With a background in financial independence and a passion for mindfulness, Morgan combines her artistic talent with her knowledge of personal finance to inspire and empower others.

Resources & Books Mentioned
"Your Money or Your Life" by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
"The Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker

Key Takeaways

  • Financial independence is not just about retiring early, but also about aligning your money with your values and finding joy in the present.
  • Living in integrity with your finances means being intentional about how you spend your money and aligning it with your values.
  • Setting percentage goals can help you allocate your money wisely and prioritize what matters most to you.
  • Donating a portion of your income can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment to your financial journey.
  • Mindfulness plays a crucial role in finding joy and abundance in the present moment, even while working towards financial independence.
  • Balancing frugality with enjoying life is a personal journey, and it's important to find the right balance that aligns with your values and brings you happiness.

Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

2. If you're at or nearing FI, but feel stuck and unable to move forward to your next chapter,
let's chat.

My 8-week small group coaching program started May 17th.

The first group is SOLD OUT but you can JOIN THE WAITLIST.

By the end of the 8 week small group program, you will:

  • Have a clear and exciting vision for the next chapter of your life
  • Be able to point to specific and tangible ways you’re already living that vision

If you’re ready to finally start living the next chapter of your life, let's chat.

Book a no-pressure curiosity call